Welcome to the Supporter Family! | The Salvation Army

Welcome to the Supporter Family!

Welcome to the supporter family!

You’ve made the decision to give, and with it, opened the possibility of help and transformation to so many fellow Kiwis in need across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our mahi is only possible thanks to the support of individuals like you. Without your contributions, it would be that much harder to assist the many people across Aotearoa who are in need and to fulfil our mission to care for people, transform lives and reform society by God’s power. And there are many people in need today. Increasing cost-of-living pressures mean it’s more difficult to get by—and this can severely impact people’s physical, mental and spiritual health, leaving them hopeless and vulnerable.

By helping people, we can offer them hope for a brighter future—and your support plays a vital role in this work!

Read the articles below to learn more about how your support is changing lives.