Woolworths Winter Appeal | The Salvation Army

Woolworths Winter Appeal

Woolworths Winter appeal


Together we can share the feeling! For over 10 years we have been in partnership with Woolworths working together to help every Kiwi have a full tummy in winter. This winter is no different, Woolworths has donated $100,000 to us.

You can add items to the in-store trolleys or if you cannot make it into store, you can easily donate online here.

If you love a full tummy this winter, you can share the feeling with a fellow Kiwi who needs it! Together, we can share the feeling!




The Foodbank Project


The Foodbank Project is New Zealand’s first online food donation shop, therefore it works in a very unique way. As a donor of The Foodbank Project, you can choose from a range of products that are most needed for food parcels. Items include fresh produce, meat and dairy items, as well as sanitary products and cleaning supplies. The platform is a secure eCommerce site so you can make your donation securely online.

Your donation is ordered weekly through Woolworths who will then pack your order and deliver it free of charge to the nearest Salvation Army foodbank. Every item you donate is included in a food parcel which is given to people in need in your community. 

Woolworths generously provides all food at a discount, meaning your donations can go even further to help those in need.

After every donation you will receive a confirmation receipt of your donation as well as a reminder that your donation will be going directly to the nearest foodbank or the one you chose .


Donate grocery items to a foodbank near you today by clicking the button below.


All you have to do is:

  • Select the individual grocery items or food parcel bundle you want a family in need to have.
  • Add to cart and choose the foodbank you want these items to go to. This could be your local, an area you know needs it, or where it is needed most - the choice is yours!
  • Fill in some details and place your order.
  • From here, your local foodbank will have access to shop with Woolworths (Countdown) online for the grocery item/s that you have selected.