Put a pause in your life | The Salvation Army

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Put a pause in your life

Posted July 9, 2016

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This edition’s feature article introduces US journalist Barbara Bradley Hagerty’s research into the opportunities presented by midlife.

I heard Barbara interviewed on radio a few months ago. I was so encouraged by her view that this oft-maligned stage of life can be a time of real purpose and happiness.

Discussing ideas from another researcher, Barbara suggested that people ‘insert commas’ into midlife. In the early adult years, she said, we experience frequent changes that act as commas, or pauses. These give us a chance to catch our breath by celebrating an achievement or taking up some new opportunity. Such commas include starting a job, entering a romantic relationship, getting married, having children, buying a house, and so on.

In midlife, however, life can seem like a long, unbroken sequence of text, with little that causes us to pause. Those who negotiate midlife wisely and well are those who deliberately add some helpful pauses, some commas, to break up that text. This can add a sense of meaning and/or simple enjoyment to what might otherwise seem mundane and routine.

I’ve just returned from a wonderful pause at The Salvation Army’s International College for Officers in London. I’ll look back on this significant spiritual and relational ‘comma’ as one that has brought fresh enjoyment and purpose to my own midlife season. My thanks to The Salvation Army for this opportunity, and especially to the War Cry staff who took on extra duties that allowed me this time away.

I want to bid a very fond farewell to our Firezone writer Vanessa Singh. After over six years as one of our War Cry writers, Vanessa has moved on to a new role with our Corps Growth and Development Department at Territorial Headquarters. Vanessa was such a great part of our writing team—we loved her wit and wisdom, and valued her championing of Salvation Army youth. Without Vanessa, we’re looking for a number of young writers who might like to write the occasional youth-focused article. Drop me a line if that sounds like you!

Christina Tyson

Bible verse

2 Peter 3:18 New International Version
‘But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.’
2 Pita 3:18
‘Engari kia neke ake i runga i te aroha noa, i te mātauranga o tō tātou Ariki, arā o te Kaiwhakaora, o Īhu Karaiti. Waiho atu i a ia te korōria, āianei, ā ake tonu atu. Āmine.’