The Salvation Army in Queenstown serves a diverse international population. The shift to Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security and...
Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security and sovereignty framework, encourages creative problem solving with other food providers,...
The Salvation Army in Gisborne has had a lot on its plate with Cyclone Hale and then Gabrielle hitting the Tairawhiti region especially hard. A...
The Salvation Army in Cambridge is a small centre with limited resources, but that’s not stopping the team from doing great things with an...
Te Kai Mākona, The Salvation Army’s new food security framework, has taken root in Alexandra. Early adopters of the new approach, the team were...
If you have had the opportunity to go to the UK and Europe and visit historic churches, you most likely were in awe, or aghast, at the elaborate...
Easter camps are a rite of ‘spiritual’ passage for many of the young people within The Salvation Army.
Last weekend one of the neighbours in our street organised a street barbeque in our local park. We had a good turn-out, and it was lovely to see...
Sunday March 28 is The Salvation Army’s International Day of Prayer for Children and Youth. The 2021 theme is ‘Seen and Heard’—understanding that...
On the email signature of Salvation Army’s policy analyst, Ronji Tanielu (Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit), I noticed the Latin phrase Soli...
If you are a Christian and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, repented of your sin—because ‘All have sinned and fall short of...
Lieutenant Rupeni Daucakacaka (Corps Officer, Taveuni Corps) shared his testimony at Fiji Commissioning in November 2020. It is a privilege for...