Equipping Families From the Get-Go | The Salvation Army

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Equipping Families From the Get-Go

Posted August 12, 2021

Parents and caregivers often wonder how they can introduce their baby or toddler to God when they seem too young to understand who He is.

It can seem like a really daunting task. And when many parents feel like they need a strong faith to disciple their kids, it’s easy to understand why many families think the church is better equipped to minister to children than they are. 

But the truth is – no matter where in their faith journey they are – parents and caregivers are the best people to help their baby or toddler learn about God. Our role as a community of faith, is to support parents and caregivers as they navigate discipling their children.

One great resource your corps or centre can offer parents is Babies and Toddlers – a five session Parenting for Faith course that is available for free from the Bible Reading Fellowship. You can download the leader’s guide, takeaway pages for parents, and five 7-minute videos to use in a group setting, or parents and caregivers can access the videos themselves and watch them for free whenever suits them.

Parenting for Faith have also released Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life by Rachel Turner. It’s a short and practical book that builds on the same practical steps covered in the course. It would be a great addition to your corps library for parents and caregivers to borrow.

To learn more about the course or the book, or to download the content so you can run the course in your faith community, check out: https://parentingforfaith.org/babies-and-toddlers