An analogy on the Olympics | The Salvation Army

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An analogy on the Olympics

There needs to be motivation to achieve our spiritual goal in life.
Woman with gold medals
Posted August 15, 2012

Did you watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics?

There was a lot of coverage of the Spiritual heritage of England incorporated throughout. It was also impressive to see the Queen arrive accompanied by James Bond and seeming to jump from a helicopter.

Here is a summary of a recent Sunday message from Major Darren Norton, from Pasadena Tabernacle. (More Than Gold series)

In 1896, there were 250 athletes from 14 countries and this year there are 14.000 from over a hundred countries. Hebrews 12 gives an analogy to the Olympic area. There needs to be motivation to achieve our spiritual goal in life.

In verse 1, the word is "event." there is a race marked out for us and the writer is encouraging the readers in the first century who were persecuted and oppressed because of their faith. Don't slow down, don't slack off, but keep running with perseverance. We are in a marathon, not a short race, but one which challenges us but has great rewards.

The next word is "encouragement." There is a great cloud of witnesses and we need to throw off everything that would hinder us from being successful. It is not so much that they're witnesses of us but they are witnesses to us, encouraging us to keep on. They have run the race successfully in spite of temptations and other road blocks. Reading biographies of people can encourage us and challenge us to keep on. We also need to encourage each other and sometimes we need a reminder to spur each other on to the goal. We are not alone. Who can you send a note encouraging them this week?

The third word is "encumbrance." get rid of envy encumbrance that would slow us down. Things that keep us from achieving what the Lord has for us. You never see a marathon runner with a backpack, water and spare shoes but they get down to the bare essentials. If there is something that is keeping us from being all God wants us to be, we should set them aside. All that is unnecessary for our Christian walk should be discarded. Not that it is a sin, but rather something that slows us down. The early Jewish Christians held onto the Jewish practices which kept them from having freedom in Christ. Get rid of the unnecessary. One glance, one click of the Internet, one word can hinder and encumber us.

The last word is "example." The course has been set and we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. It takes effort on our part to spend time each day looking to Jesus. He is the reason owe have a race. He showed great faith in his life. Consider Him; let him be our example, look to Jesus for the example in our race. Find joy in him, keep momentum going, run the race faithfully. It is not a sprint but a marathon. Experience the joy in your life of serving the one who ran successfully.

Prayer chorus: Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim.

By Debi Bell