Captain Jenny Collings | The Salvation Army

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Captain Jenny Collings

Captain Jenny Collings is Corps Officer Albany Bays Corps.
Captain Jenny Collings
Posted February 19, 2012

Who am I? That’s a big question isn’t it! Over the years I have found myself asking it a lot!

Who am I? I was born in 1975 in Harare, Zimbabwe, as the daughter of British Salvation Army Officers who were on missionary service at the time. When I was three, we moved home to the U.K. where I grew up. Perhaps it was fortuitous that I was the only girl of three children, as my brothers have prepared me for my life now as a mother of two boys!

I have always loved Jesus. I was introduced to him through my parents who nurtured me in a loving Christian home. I gave my heart to the Lord as a personal choice at the age of seven years. I left home at the age of seventeen to go to University. Every Summer I travelled to the U.S.A. to work at the Salvation Armys Camp Keystone in Florida and it was there that I met a “Kiwi bloke” called Marcus who is now my husband and my best friend. All through these years I sensed a call on my life to serve God as a Salvation Army Officer. This call grew stronger and was cemented through 5 years of lay service with the Salvation Army at a Corps in Ohio, U.S.A. Towards the end of this ministry experience we offered ourselves for full time service to God through Salvation Army Officership.   

We have now been Officers for five years. I am excited by the challenge to focus all my resources and energies towards the things of Gods kingdom. I am passionate about the Salvation Armys’ mission to, “Care for people, transform lives and reform society, through God, in Christ, by the Holy Spirits power”. I find joy in caring for others through learning and sharing Gods Word. I try to be a good listener and enjoy practically helping and praying for others. I aim to be used by God to help people discover and fulfil Gods unique call on their lives. I have found that in spiritual leadership there is often hard and costly work to be done and so I aim to live each day simply trusting that “ all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28).

When it comes to womens’ ministries, I am passionate about women being free to be whatever Christ has called them to be. If you have ever tried on a “one size fits all” garment you will know that there is no such thing! It’s the same when it comes to womens’ ministries. We need to be ready to meet women wherever they are at; in their homes, in the work place, at the local play centre, in Government offices, in places of learning, at a cafe, in the rest homes, in the bars, in the brothels or the strip clubs, at the gym or on the internet. Women are many and varied. I feel that authentic ministry to women is about offering all women a transformational relationship with Christ by personally witnessing to them through expressions of friendship, love and care. I also believe that true womens’ ministries will offer all women opportunities to grow spiritually and in turn holistically through effective Bible study and prayer together.

I enjoy caring for my family. I love to cook! No matter what the day has been like, I find that good food around our family table continues to win me the hearts of all three men in my life! As time permits I am learning about gardening and find that time outside replenishes my body, mind and soul. I am learning that physical exercise through my local gym is a great way to let off steam. Anchoring each day in God’s word through devotions and prayer is essential to my survival! I also find my piano a great place to be to play, sing and pray. Finally, if you know me, you know that I love to go out for coffee! Not for the caffeine fix, or even the froth, but for the opportunity that each coffee outing affords me to have quality time with family or friends and at times myself!

Who am I? Well, no doubt I will continue to have days where I look in the mirror and ask that question! But, I thank God today that I have a story to tell. I continue to be amazed that the God of the Universe whispers to me my identity and purpose and I marvel that He does the same for all who place their trust in Him and are ready to listen.

By Captain Jenny Collings