The Dangers of the Daily Grind | The Salvation Army

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The Dangers of the Daily Grind

Do you ever feel like you just can't get ahead? That you're running on the treadmill of life, on the same cycle over and over?
Woman smiling on sofa
Posted January 31, 2012

Are you a list maker? An organized, detailed, Planner with a capital P! Are you the type of person who thrives on projects, setting goals, and being in charge?

Or are you the kind of person who is laid back, sits and contemplates, is reflective and happy for others to do the organizing?

It doesn’t matter which personality you have, sometimes God knocks us off balance! And we need to take time out and review where we are at and where we are going. Sometimes, it's good to get a little wobbly.

Do you ever feel like you just can't get ahead? That you're running on the treadmill of life, on the same cycle over and over? You wake up, go to work, pay the bills (after wondering how you're going to pay them!) come home, cook dinner, do dishes, do laundry, prepare for the next day, go to sleep, wake up... it never ends. And if we're not careful, we can put our trust in our routine and not in the God who woke us up that morning.

Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves and for our each other is just stop. Step away from the routine, crash on the couch, and just breathe in the Lord's presence. It's not okay to be a slacker or have a lazy attitude. The Bible warns against such laziness. But Jesus also tells us in Matthew 11:29-30, 'Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.' (MSG)

Anyone else need to jump off the treadmill with me today? I see a giant box of chocolate with our names on it...and a Bible just waiting to be read.

By Jenny Carey