Hidden wind chimes | The Salvation Army

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Hidden wind chimes

What direction is the “Wind” of the Holy Spirit blowing in your life?
wind chime
Posted September 17, 2012

There is a battle going on, one of great social importance.

The battle is over wind chimes in the neighbour’s garden. I think wind chimes are obnoxious.

They sound pretty if you are in the mood to enjoy them. However, their sound is a source of annoyance when their clanks and clinks are uninvited.

A few years ago, friend of ours gave us a very beautiful wind chime.  Since we did not want to inflict the noise of our wind chime on our neighbours, we hung them in the house near the front door. That way we would hear them when we opened the door. We moved from that house. We searched for the best place for our chimes in the new house. We discovered a spot on our covered patio where they could hang. The wind didn’t blow in that spot and the covered patio protected them from the elements.

We placed our beautiful wind chimes in this out of the way place and quite often forgot about them. Late one night an unfamiliar sound woke me from a deep sleep. I felt very grumpy and was just about to complain when I realized the unwelcome noise was the tinkle of our forgotten wind chimes. The wind blew from a new direction. The clank, clink, clatter sound of our hidden chimes was obnoxious to us and to our neighbours.

Wind chimes, bad habits and sin have something in common. We are quick to notice someone else’s and we are quick to condemn them. It takes a special kind of wind, blowing from a Divine direction to enable us to recognize our own bad habits and sins. The Divine Wind will reveal even the most secret sin.

Wind chimes are beautiful reminders of the power of the wind. What direction is the “Wind” of the Holy Spirit blowing in your life?  

By Debi Bell