The Lord Cares | The Salvation Army

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The Lord Cares

In the presence of Jesus, we can have peace.
calm at sea
Posted June 17, 2012

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39

The calming of the storm is the first nature miracle reported in the Gospel of Mark. The disciples asked a telling question when a fierce sudden storm started to sink their boat in the Sea of Galilee. “Teacher do you not care that we are about to die?”  They had seen the power of Jesus and expected Him to step in and relieve their anxiety.

The Bible does not give us the tone of Jesus voice but we believe that His replies were gentle and caring. He said “Why are you so fearful?” when we are in troubles we often cry out, “Lord don’t you care?” But when Jesus calms our storms, we realize that we have much more to learn about His compassion for us. We long to trust Him with all our cares and abilities. The Lord cares for us and because HE IS ALWAYS WITH US! We need not to fear what is ahead of us.

When the disciples remembered the presence of Jesus with them, the storm became calm. It is something which still happens and which can happen to us. In the presence of Jesus, we can have peace even in the wildest storms of life.

By Malia Siufanga