Peace | The Salvation Army

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A reflection on the subject of peace.
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Posted May 15, 2013

“Peace I leave with you; my peace, I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  (John 14: 27)

Peace is an interesting topic.  Peace is often the first thing we lose when going through difficulty.  We often forget God at these times. But isn’t it amazing the differences when we do remember him.  When we finally get around to asking God to restore our peace, it makes such a difference. Yet how many times do we read in the Bible Jesus talking about peace, e.g. John 14:27. “My peace I leave with you.”

It’s such a simple thing to ask God for. It’s the difference between turmoil and calm, chalk and cheese.  We get our strength from the Lord and in return the Lord blesses his people with peace.

God tells us not to worry about anything.  Often easier said than done.  But in all our prayers ask God for all our needs.  Asking God for his peace in our lives is such a simple thing to ask, it’s his gift to us.  What a blessing our God gives us.
So next time you’re having a bad day - REMEMBER TO ASK GOD FOR HIS PEACE.

By Jennifer Brown - Dannevirke Corps