Preparing a Right Foundation | The Salvation Army

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Preparing a Right Foundation

Just like the man who built his house upon the rock, building a solid foundation will take time and hard work.
Posted May 27, 2012

When you go through an earthquake, you become a little unsteady on your feet and state of mind and you start asking questions like ‘is this building going to hold up?’ or ‘am I standing on firm ground?’ 

These questions and experiences can also relate to our spiritual lives, ‘am I going to hold up well through these hard times?’

Jesus shares in Matthew 7:24-27 about two men who were each building a house, one man decided to build his house on rock while the other man wanted to build his house on sand.  Shortly after they had finished building, a storm blew in.  The house that was built on rock stood firm however the house on sand crashed to the ground.  These two men had the same vision of building a house and faced the same storm.  So what was the difference between these two men? To build on rock takes hard work but to build on sand takes little time.

So what can we do to stand firm during those storms when things don’t go right? We can build our solid foundation on Christ. How do we do that? By pausing to re-evaluate life and asking God where are you leading me?  By planning and setting realistic, achievable goals and by practicing what we learn.

Just like the man who built his house upon the rock, building a solid foundation will take time and hard work.  There are no shortcuts.

Have you been preparing a right foundation in your life?  Have you paused lately to ask God where He is leading you?  Have you been putting into practice what Christ has been teaching you?

By Amanda Kennedy