The Shepherd and His Sheep - Part 31 | The Salvation Army

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The Shepherd and His Sheep - Part 31

Reflections on Psalm 23 and God the shepherd.
sheep on rocks
Posted August 26, 2013

The Lord is my Shepherd. He leads me. He employs Light and Truth to help lead me to my destination, God’s Holy Mountain. “Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy. I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God!” Psalm 43:3, 4 (NLT)

Where is your place of retreat, the place you meet with God?When I am in need, the Shepherd uses Light and Truth to lead me to the Holy Mountain of God, His Presence. I love mountain top experiences, “ah ha” moments and connecting with God.

Each mountain top experience begins at the altar of God. Sometimes the altar is the physical “bowing down” before God. More often I visit God’s altar in my head and heart. It is a time, an attitude of surrender and letting go of all the distractions that try to steal the joy away.

God is the source of all my joy.
God gave me my loved ones who bring joy to my life. God gave me the security of home that brings joy. He gave me the desire to think and be His. In His Presence, at His altar, is fullness of Joy. Send out your light and truth to lead me to Your Holy Mountain. I will follow and discover the joy of Your salvation. The joy of Your Presence is the Joy I discover while visiting the altar of Your Presence.

“The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.” Psalm 27:4 (NLT