Standing Up For Jesus | The Salvation Army

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Standing Up For Jesus

Are you missing the chance to stand up for Jesus?
woman standing
Posted June 10, 2012

Recently I was in a bus with people whom I have never met before and will probably never meet again.

A conversation began between the bus driver and whoever else wanted to respond about recent current events. It was very entertaining and then someone said something I really wanted to challenge from a Christian perspective but felt strangely at a loss for words. The moment passed leaving me feeling frustrated at having missed an opportunity to witness. Afterwards of course I could think of lots of things I could have said.

Often in such times the Holy Spirit will tell us what to say and when, but other times it seems we need to prepare our hearts and minds beforehand.

Ephesians 6:15 reminds us to be shod in readiness to share the gospel, Paul in his letter to Timothy encourages us to study in order to rightly handle the word of truth, to be prepared in and out of season.  (2Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 4:2)

What do you think? Do you confidently stand up for Jesus in any situation, or is it something you need to work on? 

By Sharryn McAuliffe