Thank you from the Ramoth Children's Home | The Salvation Army

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Thank you from the Ramoth Children's Home

We are happy to share this thank you letter from Mandy for the NZ$14,474.77 received.
Mandy Carian
Posted January 16, 2012

Territorial Project for the 2010-2011 year has officially ended and we are happy to share this thank you letter from Mandy for the NZ$ 14,474.77 received.

Thank you from Mandy Carian, Directory of the Ramoth Children's Home

30 November 2011

On behalf of the children and staff of Kinderhuis Ramoth I would like to express our sincere thanks for the time and effort that the women of the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory spent over the past 12 months raising funds to help support us here in Suriname.

Working in an environment as this is full of challenges, and one of the greatest of these is the constant financial struggle to ‘make ends meet’. The money that has been raised by the Women’s Ministries Department will go a long way to helping the children in practical ways and also to improve the facilities and living conditions here at Ramoth.

We have already used a small amount of the money for some urgent repairs on the building and we are currently planning how we will use the rest of the money. A full report will be sent once this is all completed. However we hope to use the money on some of the following: 

  • Further repairs and maintenance on the building
  • Replacement of electrical appliances
  • Christmas presents for the children
  • Food and supplies
  • Clothing and shoes for the children
  • Psychological support for a number of the children.

Some of the money will also be used to help with the ongoing monthly costs of running Ramoth.

The generosity and willingness of all those involved in this project to help the children of Ramoth is so greatly appreciated. 

We pray God’s blessing on each and every person that has contributed in any way to this fundraising effort.  We would also like to wish you each a blessed Christmas season.

Every blessing

Mandy Carian
Ramoth Children’s Home