We all need hope | The Salvation Army

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We all need hope

Posted February 7, 2017


Some days, I’m an Amazon. Other days, I am a 3 day old pancake.


Oh girl, do I need hope.

Apparently Wellington has just had the worst summer in 30 years. It’s unfortunate that the weather isn’t the only thing that can make a summer 'the worst'. Christmas bills that follow you around like a bad smell, fatigue, stress, poor relationship patterns and the overall struggle of going back to everyday rhythms and overflowing inboxes can beg the question – another year… of this?

"... another year… of this?"

Personally I've been struggling lately, trying to juggle one too many of those things that drain life and do nothing to restore the soul. Actually, make that twenty too many it seems. And sometimes, when words fail us and friends don’t call us back – it’s all we can do to finally sit down, in solitude, and pray to our Father who patiently waits for us.

He's not surprised. He's not tired or weary. And girl, boy does he love us.

How do you get your prayers into being?

Do you like to sit by yourself in a room or under a tree or in the shower? How do you soak up the word of God? How do you engage with worship? All of this is to point back to a throbbing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and our Father. Here is restoration - how do you take yours?

For me, the Holy Spirit inspires writing, and at the time of writing this, I would like to share a poem that I wrote for you and me and us.


Hope: Dusty and used, but still good. Enquire within. 


You bring hope

To a tired old thing

Wrapped in the shards of things

Others would have discarded long ago

Shrugged them off

But here you go,

I'm hoarding 'em.


You bring hope

To a girl trapped in walls

Of thought and fear and feelings

Some true, others lies,

All of them crippling

What do you think of that?


You bring hope

Where no one else will go

Too far off the beaten track

Too hidden in bushes

And beyond used, old wrecks of cars

That’s where I’m crouching

Others are vouching

For the fact I'll dodge your efforts again.


You bring hope

So that instead of just wearing a bright cloak

Of dignity and worth

You provide a way for me

In darkness, death and misery

To be born again

Into another world

Where you are King.


Where I am yours.

Where I am prized.


Because yours is a place

For placeless things

for nameless things

And my name in the tones of your voice rings

Out clear and once again

you are near

because this is where

You are King.


Bless you today.

May your heart be refreshed as you remember and know that God works ALL things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose - it says so in Romans 8:28! This scripture makes me think of how really great painters never need to worry if they make a mistake or spill or something isn’t quiiitee in perspective – because they have the talent to work it in to something even better and more beautiful.

May the Lord tar you with a brush of righteousness and right-heartedness today.

Find someone to pray with and for you today, right now - 

Even if it feels super awkward and cheesy or unnecessary or scary or any other descriptive word other than “Ok, I will!”. If you cannot find a soul where you are right now, you can also email us on our 'Pray for Me' panel, coz sister (or brother!) – we all need hope. And we've got your back.

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. 

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." - Romans 5:1-5


Rosy Keane | The Salvation Army Territorial Women's Ministries