What to Wear | The Salvation Army

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What to Wear

Do we put much effort into dressing ourselves in spiritual clothing?
what to wear
Posted July 19, 2012

“Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. “Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

How often do you find yourself stressing about what to wear to a special event? Or, looking longingly at the latest fashion, wishing it would look as good on you, as the stick thin, airbrushed model?

As women we are often trying to live up to the standards of others. There are so many pressures placed on women to conform to society’s idea of the perfect woman. Magazines and Television advertising promote a certain style; Celebrities endorse the “best” make-up. We are bombarded with images of how we should look.

We’re children of the King of kings and we need to be putting on the clothing that He has given us. Spiritual clothing; compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience – these garments are seen from the inside.

They reflect the true beauty of God and will have a huge impact on the way we see ourselves and those we come in contact with. Anyone who’s watched young girls playing dress-ups knows that when you dress like a princess, you feel like a princess.

Do we put as much effort into dressing ourselves in spiritual clothing as we do our physical clothing? Does our appearance reflect our maker?

By Nicki Dutton