Young women thirsty for wisdom | The Salvation Army

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Young women thirsty for wisdom

Posted April 5, 2017

Building intergenerational relationships can be difficult. But our young WM writer Sarah has a success story to share - connecting wise women with her young women's Bible study group through a tea party, and getting the hard questions answered in the process!

Our young women’s Bible study (part of The Salvation Army Johnsonville's AWAKEN youth) wanted to start the year off with connection, hope and purpose. And who doesn't love a good tea party? 

So we held a tea party night and invited Sheryn Adamson, Olivia Campbell, Jill Knight and Alana LePine - each are respected Christian leaders and women in The Salvation Army. We prepared different topics and questions to gain from their experience and help equip us for God’s purpose in our own lives!

How do I get through the challenges of life and stay close to God all the way through?

For women in our world, we face difficult challenges every day. Christian women are no different! But the good news is that we don’t face these challenges alone. Deuteronomy 31:6 says ‘Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.’.

Alana told us that one of the most important things to do is to stay true to who you are in Christ:

  • Who are you?
  • Who has God made you to be?
  • What does your identity in Christ look like to you?
  • Remember these things and you will feel God’s presence throughout your difficulties.

Sheryn advised us to seek support from other Christians. God made us so that we would build relationships and care for others when they suffer. If your best friend was hurting, you’d want her to tell you, right? In the same way, we need to trust our good friends with our pain and believe they want to help.

How do I know what the Holy Spirit really feels like?

Have you ever seen someone experiencing the presence of God and thought, 'Why doesn’t that happen to me?'. I struggled for a couple of years wondering if I was hearing God or going to experience the Holy Spirit in the same way.

But the tea party provided a place to discuss this, and we established that God knows us personally. As such, the Holy Spirit approaches people in different ways - sometimes we miss it because we’re too busy worrying about experiencing God the way the next person does!

Alana told us that scripture says sheep remember their shepherd by his voice, and in the same way you will remember God by the way he speaks to you.

Here were a few good reflection questions to help us consider when God may have been speaking:

  • When was a time you felt an emotion strongly in worship/prayer that you couldn’t describe?
  • Can you remember the last time you felt a real sense of belonging?
  • Can you recall if you have had a picture or vision while praying or reflecting on God?
  • Has there been a time when the words of a familiar worship song suddenly jump out at you in a new way?
  • Have you ever been in the midst the business of life, or away on a tramp, and felt in awe or at peace?

That my friend is God speaking to you, in the way he has uniquely designed for your life. Pretty spectacular, huh?

As a Christian, does it really matter what I wear?

We have all wanted to fit in at some stage in our lives. This might involve having the latest phone, or wearing a certain style of hair or clothing. Most of our friends and society would have no problem with our choices - so does it matter how we dress for church?

Jill told us that we are women who bear the image of Christ so we have standards and values that should withstand everyday of our lives - not just Sundays. If you wear mini shorts every day of the week, but get to church on a Sunday and feel guilty about wearing them, what is causing you to feel like this? The answer is it’s contradicting what we value - we are wanting to honour God with our bodies and attitudes, not trying to impress others.

Sheryn used 1 Corinthians 10 as an illustration of how we might dress in church, but the rest of the week dress to fit in. Verse 22 says 'He wants us—all or nothing. Do you think you can get off with anything less?’.

One of our young women in the discussion spoke about our need to respect others around us and care for them as Jesus did. If we are dressing to please ourselves or prove a point (eg. ‘If people get offended, it’s their problem, not mine’), are we still respecting or caring for them?

How can I find out God’s plan for me?

We know that God has a unique divine purpose for each of us. But how are we supposed to figure it out?

Jill and Sheryn told us that God has given each of us different talents to work with that will help us to find our purpose:

  • What are you good at?
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • How are you giving these talents back to God?

Olivia told us that God’s plan is a constant journey that unfolds at different stages throughout our lives. ‘What you’re doing right now may not be what he has planned for you in the next five years. Keep asking him and he will reveal it to you in his own perfect timing.’. God is equipping us and moulding us into who he has designed us to be.

Wise women

Are you looking for ways for Christian women to gather together for discipleship and connection?

The girls from AWAKEN youth are such a great example to me. They have such a strong sisterhood, they have and will continue to go through so much more together as women of God. We all need wise leaders and friends in our life. 

If you too are looking for connection - then you could write that prayer or hope on a piece of paper (or even make a note on your phone!). Seek God in prayer to help you see it happen or make a change!

I would also like to pray for you and The Salvation Army that we would continue to invest in relationships and find support in the people of Christ. Go out into the world uplifted by God’s presence in your life.

Until next time, ladies!


By Sarah Thomson, 18 years old | WM Writer

The Salvation Army Johnsonville