Yourself | The Salvation Army

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A reflection on personal responsibility.
a smiling woman
Posted November 19, 2012

Examine yourself, keep yourself, build yourself up, present yourself, devote yourself, give yourself, train yourself, submit yourself, humble yourself –and  that’s only the start!

Personal responsibility - it’s a theme throughout the Bible, with many references to things you must do for yourself. Don’t grumble that you’re not getting fed at your church, only babes in Christ need spoon-feeding. New believers rely on others for their spiritual food but maturity comes when you start feeding yourself. Your daily serving from the Word is as vital to your spiritual life as fibre, proteins and minerals are to your body, you don’t want to waste away.

No one else will have to give an account of your actions, just you yourself. So, examine yourself, how healthy is your faith diet? ((2 Corinthians 13.5) Are you keeping yourself in the love of God and building yourself up in the holy faith? (Jude 20, 21,) Or do you just have a meal on a Sunday, or at life group, or once in a while at big events? No one else can go to the gym and do a workout for you, it’s only helpful when you do it yourself. And a one-off is no use at all. It’s got to be a committed, regular effort.

Paul encouraged Timothy, ‘Train yourself to be godly,’ (1 Tim 4.7.) It wasn’t just a oncer, it was a lifestyle.  ‘Be diligent in these matters, give yourself wholly to them so that everyone may see your progress.’ (1 Tim 4. 13, 15.) And again, ‘Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who is not ashamed.’ (2 Tim 2.15).

Adam blamed Eve for offering him the forbidden fruit, Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her. Neither wanted to be held accountable for their actions.

Maturity blossoms when you take responsibility. Check it out for yourself.

By Coleen Marshall