Almost two months after the 25 April earthquake that caused devastation in Nepal, The Salvation Army continues its vital response by distributing...
Simon Barnett has won over audiences on Dancing with the Stars, but we especially love him because he has chosen to support The Salvation Army. We...
A virtual ‘flash mob’ will take place at 1pm on Founders' Day, 2nd July 2015.
Lieut-Colonels Yousaf Ghulam and Rebecca Yousaf had mixed emotions when they left New Zealand on 3 June, after two years of service to the New...
Details have been unveiled of online coverage of Boundless, The Salvation Army’s 150th anniversary international congress.
The Royal Mint in the UK is issuing a special £5 coin to honour 150 years of The Salvation Army.
More than three weeks after Nepal's devastating earthquake, the Salvation Army response team is expanding its response.
It is encouraging that some provision has been made to address the plight of the poorest and most vulnerable New Zealanders in the 2015 Budget....
Living in regional areas such as Northland and Gisborne often means you get a “bad deal”, says The Salvation Army.
General André Cox has added his signature to the #UpForSchool petition demanding that world leaders take immediate action to get every girl and...
Salvation Army Response Team in Nepal continues distribution and considers camp management role.
The Salvation Army has launched a new interactive map tool on its website.