2019 Christmas Appeal delivers message of hope and transformation | The Salvation Army

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2019 Christmas Appeal delivers message of hope and transformation

2019 Christmas Appeal launch in Christchurch
Posted November 27, 2019

Many New Zealanders are struggling with the health, educational, and emotional problems, due to poverty, The Salvation Army territorial community ministries director Jono Bell told the audience at the launch of this year’s Christmas Appeal in Christchurch on Tuesday.

The 2019 Christmas Appeal promotes messages of hope and transformation, and Jono told host Tim Wilson the affects of living in poverty are “almost like a cascade”.

He said many people approaching The Salvation Army for help are those with jobs who are working hard, but who can’t afford to feed their families after their rent and utilities are paid for.

However, the Army’s wraparound services continue to offer hope to many, and Jono shared some stories of transformation he had seen.

“One of the things I love about The Salvation Army is that wherever there’s a need, we will do what we can to help,” he said.