I am pleased to announce that the Territorial Commander has approved the following appointments which will take effect on Thursday 12 January 2023.
Captain Shane Healey - Territorial Candidates Secretary (based in Christchurch)
To be advised - Territorial Personnel Support Officer
To be advised - Personnel Projects & Research Officer
Major Raewyn Gardner - Senior Mission Support Officer
Captain Sarah Healey - Executive Officers, New Zealand Fiji Tonga Samoa Youth Band
Captain Shane Healey - (additional appointment)
Covered by BMAC Manager - Chaplain, Blue Mountain Adventure Centre
Major Garth Stevenson - Chairperson, Moral and Social Issues (Ethics) Council
[additional appointment]
Captain Emma Howan - Deputy Chairperson, Moral and Social Issues (Ethics) Council
[additional appointment]
Captain Rachel Montgomery - War Cry/Communications Writer (additional appointment)
Major Linda Bateman - Assistant Territorial Auditor
Major Katherine Sonntag - Mission Training Officer (additional appointment)
Major Merewalesi Qoriniasi - Mission Training Officer
Captain Shiv Ram - Training Officer
Cadet Tammy Mohi - Mission Officer Addington, Addington Christchurch Supportive Housing
(Cadet Tammy Mohi will take up her appointment with the rank of Lieutenant following her commissioning on 10 December 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness—Ngā Kaiwhakaata i te Tapu Session)
Major Anne Irwin - Personnel Officer (pro tem) [additional appointment]
Cadet Alana LePine - Youth Officer and
Candidates Officer
(Cadet Alana LePine will take up her appointment with the rank of Lieutenant following her commissioning on 10 December 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness—Ngā Kaiwhakaata i te Tapu Session)
Major Miriama Simanu - Associate Corps Officer, Auckland City Corps
To be advised - Flat Bush Plant
Captain Ted (Tae Hwan) Kim - Corps Officers, Glenfield Corps and
Captain Aram Kwon - Directors, Glenfield Community Ministries—North Shore Service Hub
Cadet Nicholas Moffat - Corps Officers, Pukekohe Corps
Cadet Rebecca Moffat -
(Cadets Nicholas and Rebecca Moffat will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 10 December 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness—Ngā Kaiwhakaata i te Tapu Session)
Lieutenant Charlene Whybrow - Corps Mission Officers, Whangārei Corps
Lieutenant Jonathan Whybrow - (as part of the Whangārei Corps Team Ministry)
Captain Stuart Tong - Divisional Commander (Divisional Leader)
Captain Kylie Tong - Divisional Leader and
Divisional Secretary for Personnel
To be advised - Divisional Secretary for Women’s Ministries and
Divisional Silver Star Secretary & Divisional Missionary Fellowship Secretary
No replacement - Divisional Secretary for Mission
Employee position - Divisional Director of Community Ministries
Major Geraldine Johnson - Divisional Secretary for Retired Officers (appointment in retirement)
Cadet Benjamin Cola - Corps Officer, Cambridge Corps
(Cadet Benjamin Cola will take up his appointment with the rank of Lieutenant following his commissioning on 10 December 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness—Ngā Kaiwhakaata i te Tapu Session)
Captain Mere Gina Gataurua - Corps Officers, Napier Corps and
Captain Saimone Gataurua - Directors, Napier Community Ministries
Captain Jessica Bezzant - Corps Officers, Taupō Corps and
Captain Nathan Bezzant - Directors, Taupō Community Ministries
Major Allan Bateman - Divisional Secretary for Personnel
No replacement - Second in Charge
Divisional Secretary for Mission
Assistant Divisional Secretary for Mission
Captain Juanita Buckingham - Divisional Candidates Secretary (additional appointment)
Lt-Colonel Margaret Bateman - Divisional Missionary Fellowship Secretary (additional appointment)
Major Brenton Millar - Corps Officers, Palmerston North Corps and
Captain Samantha Millar - Directors, Palmerston North Community Ministries
Captain Annette Bray - Corps Officer, Tawa Corps
Captain Perry Bray - Assistant Corps Officer, Tawa Corps
Captain Rachel Montgomery - Corps Officers, Whanganui Corps
Captain Simon Montgomery -
Captain Shane Healey - Divisional Secretary for Personnel
Captain Sarah Healey - Divisional Secretary for Mission
Major Susanne Prattley - Divisional Secretary for Silver Star (additional appointment in retirement)
Captain Phillipa van Abs - Divisional Spiritual Life Development & Prayer Coordinator
(additional appointment)
Lieutenant Aimee Noakes - Corps Officers, Christchurch City Corps and
Lieutenant Scott Noakes - Directors, Christchurch City Community Ministries
Under Divisional Oversight - Gore Corps
Captain Jocelyn Smith - Corps Officers, Oamaru Corps
Captain Paul Smith -
Cadet Barry Kirby - Corps Officers, Rangiora Corps
Cadet Natalie Kirby -
(Cadets Barry and Natalie Kirby will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 10 December 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness—Ngā Kaiwhakaata i te Tapu Session)
Captain Bradley Carpenter - Corps Officers, Sydenham Corps and
Captain Fleur Carpenter - Directors, Sydenham Community Ministries (as re-accepted officers)
Major Adrian Marika Serevi - Divisional Secretary of Officer Coaching & Reviews and
Divisional Secretary of Men’s Ministries (additional appointments)
Lieutenant Mereani Betena - Associate Corps Officer, Lautoka Corps and
Chaplain, Lautoka Family Care Centre
Cadet Sailosi Laliqavoka - Corps Officers, Lomaivuna Corps
Cadet Salaseini Laliqavoka -
(Cadets Sailosi and Salaseini Laliqavoka will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 26 November 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness Session)
Cadet Maritina Yavala - Corps Officers, Nadi Corps and
Cadet Petero Yavala - Chaplains, Nadi Airport
(Cadets Maritina and Petero Yavala will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 26 November 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness Session)
Major Arone Cheer - Team Leaders, Nasinu/Nausori Corridor (additional appointment)
Major Tauantabo Cheer -
Major Tevita Lewetuitovo - Team Ministry Officer, Nasinu/Nausori Corridor
Cadet Akuila Tuinaceva - Corps Officers, Sigatoka Corps
Cadet Bale Tuinaceva -
(Cadets Akuila and Bale Tuinaceva will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 26 November 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness Session)
Captain Shiv Ram - Corps Officers, Suva Central Corps
Captain Taburerei Ram -
Captain Ruci Napolioni - Associate Corps Officers/Ministry Extension Officers, Suva Central Corps
Captain Seru Napolioni -
Major Kesoni Qoriniasi - Assistant Court and Correction Services Officer/Chaplain
Major ‘Asena Sifa-Folau - Regional Secretary for Women’s Ministries
Community Ministries Officer and
Chaplain, Pea Kindergarten
Captain Raechal Leha - Cross-Cultural Development Officer and
Regional Spiritual Life Development & Prayer Coordinator
Captain Faleata Leha - Regional Projects Officer and
Emergency Services Coordinator
Major ‘Ana Vaea - Corps Officers, Fua’amotu Corps
Major Frederick Vaea -
Cadet Meleseini Otainao - Corps Plant Officer, Kolovai Corps Plant and
Chaplain, Kolovai Kindergarten
Cadet Peter Otainao - Corps Plant Officer, Kolovai Corps Plant
(Cadets Meleseini and Peter Otainao will take up their appointments with the rank of Lieutenant following their commissioning on 26 November 2022 as part of the Reflectors of Holiness Session)
Major Malia Siufanga - Corps Officers, Vaini Corps
Major Sila Siufanga -
Captain Julie Turner - Regional Spiritual Life Development & Prayer Coordinator
(additional appointment)
Major Afolau Toluono - Assistant Officer, Apia Corps and Community Ministries
Major Nigel De Maine
Major Lai Li will be returning to the Australia Territory
Colonel Heather Rodwell
Major Ruth Froggatt
Major Margaret Ousey
Captain Lindsay Andrews
Major Glenys Fairhurst
Major Paul Jarvis
Major Susan Jarvis
We pray that God will bless and prepare all of these leaders in the days ahead.
Gerry Walker