Pacific families feeling the brunt of the housing crisis in Aotearoa | The Salvation Army

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Pacific families feeling the brunt of the housing crisis in Aotearoa

Pasifika are over-represented in homelessness figures, emergency housing and rental accommodation, and massively under-represented in home ownership
Pasifika housing
Posted October 31, 2019

“Pasifika are over-represented in homelessness figures, emergency housing and rental accommodation, and massively under-represented in home ownership,” Ronji Tanielu from The Salvation Army says.

“Right across the housing continuum - in homelessness, emergency and transitional housing, private rental and home ownership – Pacific people are facing severe housing hardship and challenges.”

Despite making up 8 percent of the total population, 29 percent of homeless people are Pacific. Thirty nine percent  of Pacific people were found to be living in temporary accommodation in the Auckland one-night homelessness count in September 2018.

Pacifika people make up more than 14 percent of the Social Housing Register; 64 percent of Pasifika are renting, and 81.5 percent of the Pacifika community live in housing they do not own.

“Crucial action is needed to address these challenges,” Mr Tanielu says.

These are some of the findings compiled in The Housing Crisis Facing Pasifika People in Aotearoa, a new discussion paper released today by The Salvation Army.

“These housing issues facing Pacific people and families are immense, especially for those in Auckland and other urban centres,” Mr Tanielu says.

“Action must be taken to reduce this housing hardship and deprivation.”

The Salvation Army is recommending from this Paper:

  • Development of an overarching strategy and action plan for Pacifika communities and housing that address data issues, and brings together the key Ministers and sectors
  • Scope for the development of a Pasifika Housing Unit that will focus on delivering this action plan
  • Investigating innovative projects like the Matanikolo Housing Project in Mangere
  • Ensuring large-scale urban development projects affecting poorer communities have a mandated strategic voice from the local area.