Shaking the Bucket and shaking up society | The Salvation Army

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Shaking the Bucket and shaking up society

Woman happily giving to the Red Shield street appeal
Posted May 10, 2021

The Salvation Army offers a hand up, not a handout. During our Red Shield Street Appeal from Monday, May 10 to Sunday, May 16, we are encouraging New Zealanders to dig deep to help us achieve this mission.

Each and every donation helps change lives and goes directly to our work on the front line. Your generosity supports our work across our range of wrap-around services—services in which The Salvation Army walks the talk, not only advocating for social reform, but taking a practical approach to pressing issues such as food poverty, homelessness, financial hardship due to indebtedness, support for the homeless, and alcohol and gambling addiction.

Our work with the most vulnerable in society is not a one-off. We don’t just find someone a house and walk away, or hand out a food parcel and wave goodbye. We work with people to get to the root of their challenges and support them to live fulfilling lives.

Our collectors will be out in force around the motu this week. Everyone at The Salvation Army is involved—our Territorial Leaders, officers, staff, and volunteers.

So, look out for the Red Shield logo, go up and say “hi”, and please, give what you can, in the knowledge that you are truly making a difference.

More information can be found at

For enquiries contact: The Salvation Army Territorial Media Officer, 021 945 337, email: