Put whanau before gambling | The Salvation Army

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Put whanau before gambling

Posted August 30, 2016

‘Put Whanau First’ the message of NZ’s First Gambling Harm Awareness Week

New Zealand’s inaugural Gambling Harm Awareness Week runs from 5 to 11 September, replacing Gamblefree Day.

Gambling Harm Awareness Week aims to raise awareness of the dangers of harmful gambling on individuals, their loved ones and the community. The 2016 theme is Whānau Time—promoting the idea of putting whānau ahead of gambling.

Over 250,000 New Zealanders gamble in a way that places them, their family and their wellbeing at risk. They might be losing too much money or time, chasing losses, or feeling guilty, sad or frustrated about their gambling. For these people, the support of loved ones can be an important source of motivation and strength to make healthy changes.

During Gambling Harm Awareness Week, The Salvation Army’s gambling support service, Oasis, will join with other service providers and groups such as the Health Promotion Agency and Problem Gambling Foundation to celebrate healthy lifestyles and raise awareness of harmful gambling at Family Fun Days across the country.

These Family Fun Days will include live music and other entertainment, family-friendly activities, local stall holders and food.

Information will be distributed to help people become more aware of the signs of harmful gambling, which include lying about or hiding gambling, chasing losses and feeling guilty. Resources to help people increase their financial literacy and access local support services will also be available.

To support Gambling Harm Awareness Week, the Health Promotion Agency’s ‘Choice not Chance’ campaign is running a Facebook-based competition that invites people to enter a photo of their whānau having fun together. Great prizes are available! The competition starts in early September and runs until 19 September. Go to www.facebook.com/ChoiceNotChanceNZ.

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