The Salvation Army Crest | The Salvation Army

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The Salvation Army Crest

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Posted November 26, 2018


The symbolism of The Salvation Army crest is as follows:

  • The round figure 'the sun' represents the light and fire of the Holy Spirit.
  • The cross in the centre represents the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The letter 'S' stands for Salvation.
  • The swords represent the salvation war.
  • The seven shots represent the truths of the gospel.
  • The crown represents the crown of glory, which God will give to all his soldiers who are faithful to the end.

The original design for the Crest was apparently submitted to Headquarters by Captain William Ebdon in 1878. The idea was accepted and by March 1879 the crest was printed on the official Salvation Army letterhead.

Source: The Salvation Army International Heritage Centre, 2009.