Christians believe in one God who is at the same time three.
We worship this one God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This is necessary to understanding God as revealed in the Bible, and is fundamental to the Christian faith.
God is never alone. Although he is always three, he is not three individuals who could be in competition or opposition. He is three persons, always united in being, attitude and action.
The three-in-one definition describes a God who as Father: creates, governs and supports; as Son: redeems, befriends and disciples; and as Holy Spirit: sanctifies, counsels and empowers. In persons and work he is three—in personality and love he is one.
The three persons of the Trinity are continually revealing one another to us. The New Testament tells us that the Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus; Jesus Christ reveals the Father and testifies to the Holy Spirit; the Father testifies to the Son.
God makes himself known in many ways. In the Bible he reveals himself through relationships and critical events. He reveals himself in his relationships with his chosen people. He makes himself known through critical events, such as the rise and fall of the kingdoms recorded in the Old Testament, and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament.
This revelation agrees with human experience in how relationships develop and are honoured as critical events are shared. In the same way, God, who is personal and respects human personality, discloses his nature and his love for us.
Christians believe that God is not distant but is involved with us. This is seen in God as a human being, Jesus of Nazareth.
In the atonement for sin through Jesus, we see God crossing barriers to save the lost.
God’s involvement is further expressed in the work of the Holy Spirit transforming our lives. God is not indifferent. He is involved in human experience and is concerned for us.