Submission to Abortion Law Reform | The Salvation Army

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Submission to Abortion Law Reform

Posted May 15, 2018

The Salvation Army’s main arguments to the Law Commission in response to this abortion inquiry are as follows:

We strongly believe that the abortion laws currently operating in our nation should not be liberalised further. The existing legal framework already provides protection for both lives involved in an abortion – the mother and the unborn child. We submit that it is unconscionable to potentially sanction the expansion and liberalisation of abortion in our nation through this Inquiry and any possible amendments to legislation;

Our nation should keep the current abortion framework found in our law, particularly the Crimes Act 1961. However, we believe that there are technical aspects of this law that can be modernised or updated to account for modern and future times, and to also guarantee the effective running of the current abortion system.


Submission to the Abortion Law Reform

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Date: 9 Jan 2019