Submission on Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Housing and Urban Development | The Salvation Army

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Submission on Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Housing and Urban Development

Someone working on house framing against sky
Posted July 30, 2021

Executive Summary 

  1. Overall, The Salvation Army is supportive of the vision, outcomes, focus areas and ways of working presented in the GPS Discussion Document. We have engaged regularly with MHUD’s consultation process, offering our views, insights, and challenges consistently throughout this process. We believe that MHUD has generally landed on a good, balanced GPS to shape housing and urban development in New Zealand. 
  2. This submission will highlight some key general responses that we have to the draft GPS. It also includes some specific comments to various parts of the GPS framework offered by MHUD. 


Photo by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

TSA submission - GPS 300721

Type: PDF
Size: 238.76 KB
Date: 15 Mar 2022