SpiritSong | The Salvation Army

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SpiritSong is the Salvation Army's Territorial Choir.

First formed in 1995 as the New Zealand National Songsters, SpiritSong is a vibrant vocal ministry designed to minister to both believers and non-believers.

It is an evan­gel­i­cal group of men and women, whose main pur­pose is to com­mu­ni­cate the gospel of Jesus Christ through music and tes­ti­mony. Spir­it­song mem­bers come from all walks of life — teach­ers, youth work­ers, retail man­agers, IT pro­fes­sion­als, stu­dents, retirees — all moti­vated by a love for God and peo­ple, and united by their desire to use their musi­cal tal­ents to point peo­ple to Jesus Christ. Whether in concert or in a Sunday service, SpiritSong seeks to bring an authentic offering of worship to God through their singing. Presenting a diverse repertoire to cater for all musical tastes and styles, SpiritSong aims to encourage both believers and non-believers alike to connect with Jesus Christ in a personal and meaningful way.

SpiritSong meets for an extended rehearsal weekend once a year and accepts invitations for a maximum of four other weekend visits per year.

To request a visit from SpiritSong at your corps, contact SpiritSong directly.

Become a Member

Members must be committed to their local Salvation Army corps (church) and be involved in its music ministry. Membership criteria includes:

  1. Having made a commitment of faith in Jesus Christ as a soldier of The Salvation Army.
  2. Being committed to the life and ministry of your local Salvation Army corps and a member of your corps' music ministry.
  3. Being willing to attend rehearsal weekends and travel for ministry visits

To apply to become a member of the SpiritSong, contact the Executive Officer Lt. Col Lynette Hutson, or email SpiritSong directly.

Hear Our Music

Hear our tes­ti­mony in our lat­est record.

These songs are our real, raw and per­sonal life sto­ries expressed through the voice of the soul. We share these for one rea­son; because we are utterly con­vinced that the God who has trans­formed our lives in such amaz­ing and pro­found ways is able to do the same for you. This is our Liv­ing Tes­ti­mony. Our story of Significance!

"Testimony" is available from Salvationist Resources or you can stream it below: