Rachel Matthews and her husband Alexander were among a group of people who attended regular prayer meetings in the home of Mrs Caroline Valpy in...
‘Off to Jerusalem’ In 1888 The Salvation Army’s colony commander of New Zealand, Colonel Josiah Taylor decided to officially commence ministry...
The Grace before Meat (GBM) scheme was initiated in Britain by General William Booth in 1893. Salvationists and Army friends were supplied with a...
Major James Barker arrived in Melbourne from London in September 1882. He was in charge of Melbourne’s Salvation Army operations. Major Barker...
We hold every copy of the New Zealand War Cry ever produced, and then some. A quick estimate would be over 3500 issues (including current...
The History of the Appeal Excerpts from “A History of the Public Relations Department “ by Rodney Knight, 1986 "THE SALVATION ARMY...
The Salvation Army's provision of ambulances and ambulance crews in the First World War.
The China missionary service of New Zealand Salvation Army officer Eva Ludbrook (nee Wilkinson).
Harold Hill examines the glowing tributes made to New Zealand Salvation Army military chaplains serving in World War I.
Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Weggery - Spitfire pilot and Salvation Army Officer
Māori knew him as Enata Horowe. His Pākehā name was Albert Arthur Ernest Holdaway and he was a formidable man.
Norman Bicknell was a well-regarded chaplain during World War II and remained in the Military Chaplaincy until his retirement.