Resources | The Salvation Army

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Te Kākano

Te Kākano (The Seed) is an app created for Salvationists to learn te reo, and culturally engage with people of Māori heritage. It also includes ceremonial aspects of Māori culture, such as powhiri (welcoming), karakia (prayers) and waiata (songs). It is intended to be accessible for both Māori and non-Māori. The app was launched on August 24 at Territorial Headquarters in Wellington and is available for free download on both the Apple App and Google Play Store.

Te Ope Whakaora

Te Ope Whakaora - The Army That Brings Life

The little-known story of The Salvation Army's involvement with Maori, from 1884 to the present day.

> Buy from Salvationist Resources

Language Resources:

  • from pronunciation lessons and audio of basic Māori greetings and responses to ideas for workplaces and community groups
  • spreading the Word of God among Māori
  • (Māori language online) has a Māori dictionary, podcasts and animations to help people become more fluent in Te Reo—animations progress from everyday whanau conversations of easy greetings to more advanced lessons.

Try these ideas … all year round

Building the Māori language into everyday life can happen all year round, not just during Māori Language Week. Here are some simple ideas to become more confident with speaking Te Reo in our Salvation Army corps and centres:

  • encourage the singing of a waiata in your corps meeting
  • encourage praying in Māori (karakia) in your corps meeting
  • teach a simple Māori greeting and response to people in your corps/centre: use this when greeting your congregation for worship, when welcoming clients to your centre, and when you see one another during the week
  • answer the telephone in Māori (the above websites have audio lessons on how to speak and respond to greetings)
  • encourage those in your corps/centre who can speak Māori by having them read from the Bible, pray or sing in Māori in worship meetings or other settings
  • use the biblical quote in the War Cry magazine to practise speaking Māori and to share the Bible with other Māori speakers