The closest thing I’ve ever had to a ‘calling’ in my life was when, as a fledgling journalist, I realised I didn’t believe in a lot of what I...
These words from the Old Testament book of Proverbs caught my eye: How long will you lie there doing nothing at all? When are you going to get up...
The first of two films based on the novel Mockingjay, the final book in The Hunger Games trilogy.
According to Scriptures, the ‘rod’ is not for punishing, but for comforting and guiding. Ingrid Barratt examines a biblical view of authority, and...
When you talk about social justice, how often do you think about the injustices faced by your fellow Christians around the world?
Terry Murray loves giving back to the community as a Family Store manager.
In 2008, Lesley Elliott lived every parent’s nightmare when her daughter, Sophie, was murdered by an ex-boyfriend. This year, Lesley won the Women...
Every person who doesn’t resort to violence in their home is making a difference to the future of people’s lives. Every person who encourages...
The couple on the front cover of this edition is Colonels Barbara and Willis Howell, who arrived in New Zealand from the USA a few months ago....
Christopher Nolan’s new sci-fi epic is a mind bending journey through time, space and emotion.
Most of us think we’re good listeners—but stats tell us that we remember much more about what we say in a conversation, than what the other person...
Homework can be a battleground, but here are some tips for getting on schedule and even making it (gasp!) fun—for you and them.